Thursday, April 21, 2022
Statement Read on a WGAU Radio Interview with Tim Bryant regarding Gwen O’Looney alledged typo of racial slur
I got a call on Wednesday, very early, about this post. Apparently, many people had already seen this social media post. It was very humiliating to be addressed in that manner and especially by a previous mayor.
First, when I saw the post, I was disheartened. One, because misinformation and bullying seems to be the strategy that the mayor’s inner circle of friends use to attack me. And two, I was concerned because I didn’t know Ms. O’Looney. All I learned was that she had attended my first forum on Wednesday and left hastily and appeared upset.
I saw this post and it was the same rhetoric as others have used to attack me—associate Mara Zuniga with people and groups. What I understood from this post was that Ms. O’Looney considered that good ole boys had a house “N-*-G-*-A”, a token, but I can guarantee Ms. O’Looney, that no one owns me. Not people, not groups, and not parties.
Secondly, she criticized me versus the mayor who she said did a “brilliant” job. There were no specific examples as to why she thought that. What was brilliant, that he misquoted the vacancies in the police department from 47 or so to 36 and getting them filled is a task because there is no support from him and some of the commissioners? Is it ‘brilliant’ that some crimes have spiked or perhaps that he failed to mention the 17% vacancies in the ACC Gov and that morale is at an all-time low? Is it “brilliant” that in the last 12 years he has done nothing significant for his district or the stagnant poverty rate of 28%? How about him voting for a $2.5 million, 22 month, 50 people tent encampment, dismissing 500 citizen’s input AND NOW looking for that one single vote that matters, or taking part in countless partisan rallies while being a nonpartisan mayor? There are 5 mayoral candidates running, putting their life on hold, their name and their family out to the public. A little respect is not much to ask. You are a previous mayor of this town, the first in the unified government, and a woman. You know that if the incumbent has 5 challengers it shows he has a problem, especially when most are minorities.
Finally, she said that the use of “N” word was an auto correct mishap and that she was the victim. If she was the victim, then who was I? No one called me to apologize for you. None of your followers expressed any regret for the pain and humiliation caused by your post. They were busy consoling you. I originally accepted this excuse of an auto correct mishap until it was brought to my attention that auto correct never auto corrects to that word unless you have used that word many times before. I was shown how that works on texts and social media. I tried it. It didn’t do it for me. I asked others to try it as well and they couldn’t get the word either, because none of us ever used that word.
Even if this was an auto correct mistake, should you not hold yourself to higher standards as a professional and double check your words?
I don’t think you know the gravity of your mistake.
I will accept your apology, Ms. O’Looney, but you must do better. I would say that from this moment, set yourself as an example to your circle, that if an issue arises pertaining to me let it be based on facts and the local issues being discussed. It’s as easy as that.
Mara Zuniga
Candidate for Mayor
Athens, GA
Statement Read on a WGAU Radio Interview with Tim Bryant regarding Gwen O’Looney alledged typo of racial slur
I got a call on Wednesday, very early, about this post. Apparently, many people had already seen this social media post. It was very humiliating to be addressed in that manner and especially by a previous mayor.
First, when I saw the post, I was disheartened. One, because misinformation and bullying seems to be the strategy that the mayor’s inner circle of friends use to attack me. And two, I was concerned because I didn’t know Ms. O’Looney. All I learned was that she had attended my first forum on Wednesday and left hastily and appeared upset.
I saw this post and it was the same rhetoric as others have used to attack me—associate Mara Zuniga with people and groups. What I understood from this post was that Ms. O’Looney considered that good ole boys had a house “N-*-G-*-A”, a token, but I can guarantee Ms. O’Looney, that no one owns me. Not people, not groups, and not parties.
Secondly, she criticized me versus the mayor who she said did a “brilliant” job. There were no specific examples as to why she thought that. What was brilliant, that he misquoted the vacancies in the police department from 47 or so to 36 and getting them filled is a task because there is no support from him and some of the commissioners? Is it ‘brilliant’ that some crimes have spiked or perhaps that he failed to mention the 17% vacancies in the ACC Gov and that morale is at an all-time low? Is it “brilliant” that in the last 12 years he has done nothing significant for his district or the stagnant poverty rate of 28%? How about him voting for a $2.5 million, 22 month, 50 people tent encampment, dismissing 500 citizen’s input AND NOW looking for that one single vote that matters, or taking part in countless partisan rallies while being a nonpartisan mayor? There are 5 mayoral candidates running, putting their life on hold, their name and their family out to the public. A little respect is not much to ask. You are a previous mayor of this town, the first in the unified government, and a woman. You know that if the incumbent has 5 challengers it shows he has a problem, especially when most are minorities.
Finally, she said that the use of “N” word was an auto correct mishap and that she was the victim. If she was the victim, then who was I? No one called me to apologize for you. None of your followers expressed any regret for the pain and humiliation caused by your post. They were busy consoling you. I originally accepted this excuse of an auto correct mishap until it was brought to my attention that auto correct never auto corrects to that word unless you have used that word many times before. I was shown how that works on texts and social media. I tried it. It didn’t do it for me. I asked others to try it as well and they couldn’t get the word either, because none of us ever used that word.
Even if this was an auto correct mistake, should you not hold yourself to higher standards as a professional and double check your words?
I don’t think you know the gravity of your mistake.
I will accept your apology, Ms. O’Looney, but you must do better. I would say that from this moment, set yourself as an example to your circle, that if an issue arises pertaining to me let it be based on facts and the local issues being discussed. It’s as easy as that.
Mara Zuniga
Candidate for Mayor
Athens, GA